Leadership & Staff

Rick Gerhartz


Rick was born and raised in a Catholic home in Milwaukee. When Rick was a child, a family friend invited his sister and him to an evangelistic outreach at her local Bible church. In the summer of 1974, Rick was saved by God’s amazing grace. His parents placed their faith in Christ ten months later. Rick and his wife, Katie, were married in 1987. In 1995, Rick was led to be equipped for the work of the ministry and started taking correspondence courses through a Bible seminary. Two years later, after much prayer, Rick and Katie moved to Superior, Wisconsin for further training. Together, they sat under the sound exegetical, expository teaching of Pastor Dennis Rokser at Duluth Bible Church. In addition, Rick was trained for six years in the Grace Institute of Biblical Studies. In 2005, Rick and Katie relocated to the Milwaukee area and joined Word of Grace Bible Church.

Tim Shirk

Associate Pastor

Tim Shirk was born the youngest of five in the Central Valley of California. Being exposed to the Word by faithful parents from infancy, Tim came to faith in Christ at nine years old. After high school, Tim attended the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, where he met his wife Lisa. After graduation, Tim and Lisa moved back to Wisconsin to live close to Lisa’s parents. The Shirk family started attending Word of Grace Bible Church in 2010, and Tim became an associate pastor in 2020. Word of Grace Bible Church has had a large impact on the Shirk family through continual exposure to sound Bible teaching, opportunity for ministry, and fellowship with ‘one another’. 

Ian Rokser

Associate Pastor

Ian is a native of Duluth, Minnesota who has lived in Milwaukee since 2005. He came to trust in Jesus Christ alone as his Savior at the age of five through the faithful witness of his parents. During his upbringing, Ian absorbed hours of sound Bible teaching by faithful men including Dennis Rokser, Tom Stegall, John Whitcomb, Renald Showers, Ron Merryman, and Chester McCalley. Ian graduated from the Grace Institute of Biblical Studies in 2017 and preaches at Word of Grace as needed. He is now employed as an engineer and loves to serve the saints at Word of Grace Bible Church. Ian and his wife, Emily, have five children.

Bill Lent


Bill is blessed to have been raised in a Christian home with God-fearing parents in the neighboring city of Wauwatosa. Since an early age, he heard many Biblical truths that laid the foundation for salvation. However, due to lack of clarity on the gospel and absence of sound doctrine, it wasn’t until about 16 years old that he received assurance of salvation. But once it became clear that sin’s debt was paid fully by Jesus' death on the cross and faith alone was the sole condition, he could finally rest in Christ's finished work and enjoy the certainty and security of his salvation. Bill is now married to his loving (and patient) bride, Kristina. Together they have two children, Liam and Claire. All are gifts of God's grace!

michael salas


Michael was raised in Southeastern WI. He was raised in a nonreligious home. In 2003, Michael graduated from the police academy and came to the realization that to enforce the law meant he had to keep the law. At this time, he was drawn to reading the Bible. As he read the Bible, he was convinced that he was a sinner and had many questions about how to solve this sin problem. He heard about Word of Grace Bible Church through a coworker. His coworker encouraged him to attend a church service. Michael attended a Sunday Word of Grace Bible Church service in March of 2004 where he had heard the gospel of Jesus Christ for the first time. A few days later, he believed in the finished work of Jesus Christ. He understood that salvation is a free gift by grace and faith alone apart from works. He has been an active member at Word of Grace Bible Church ever since.

Katie Gerhartz
