
Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord . . .

Psalm 127:3

Our children are blessings - each a complete person to be raised in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Our goal as a church is to come alongside you as parents and to reinforce your teaching at home with Bible lessons following a chronological approach. This approach to God's Word gives context to Bible stories and events and equips young minds to make sense of God's Word and the world around them.

Sunday school - ages 3 through 11

nursery - birth to 3rd birthday

For those growing in wisdom and stature
On Sundays, our Sunday School age children sit with us during the adult worship service, then leave for Sunday School when the pastor begins his message.

Sunday School is held in the lower level of the church. All children sit together for a children's song time, then split into two classes: one covering age 3 up to first grade, and the other covering first through fifth grade.

Both Sunday School classes study the same topic each Sunday at age-appropriate levels, making it easier to have consistent, meaningful conversations with your children week after week about their learning.

On Wednesdays, our Sunday School age children sit with us during the service. Expect to see several children in the service reading or playing quietly alongside their parents. Yours are welcome, too!
For the littlest ones
We offer a nursery for the duration of both the Sunday and Wednesday service.

The nursery entrance is located at the bottom of the right stairwell - the one with the stair lift rail. Our nursery is always staffed with at least two volunteers. You are welcome to sign your child in and leave your cell number in case a volunteer should need to reach you. Children will enjoy books, puzzles and a wide variety of toys while the adults enjoy fewer interruptions in hearing God's Word.

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