Welcome! We're so glad you're here
Word of Grace Bible Church - West Allis, WI is a place where sinners saved by grace meet to learn the Word of God, grow as the body of Christ and serve one another in love. If you're hungry to learn the Bible and grow in your knowledge of Jesus Christ, you're just like us. Join us for our Sunday or Wednesday services as we worship our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.
What To Expect
A typical service will last about 90 minutes. We sing both recent and classic songs of the faith accompanied by an experienced pianist. There is a nursery available on Wednesdays and both nursery and children's ministry on Sundays. Plan to hang around after the service for fellowship and meeting new people.
For more information, check out "Come and Visit" at the button below.
For more information, check out "Come and Visit" at the button below.
start with the basics
What is the Gospel?
START HERE! Watch this video to see how you can know for certain that you will go to heaven when you die.
Can salvation ever be lost?
Coming soon
But isn't grace a license to sin?
Coming soon
Is "salvation" past, present or future?
Coming soon
For further listening
Our media library contains thousands of sermons from regular and special services at Word of Grace.

Grace Global Radio
Interested in more sound, grace-oriented Bible teaching? Check out Grace Global Radio. GGR operates 24/7 and is available online or as an app for Apple or Android.
Interested in more sound, grace-oriented Bible teaching? Check out Grace Global Radio. GGR operates 24/7 and is available online or as an app for Apple or Android.